Guiding principles

The guiding principles for this digital garden are very much related to my ideas on 🖋 Writing Is Like Programming. There is one additional principle specific to this digital garden, which is “Process and Outcome”.

Process and Outcome

It’s as much about the process as about the outcome, don’t only write about the final result, also write about how to get there.


Throughout time this blog has been hosted on many different platforms:

  • Blogger: the easiest free platform to host a blog that I knew of when starting
  • WordPress (hosted on Dreamhost): it’s a bigger and more well-known platform, so seemed like an obvious next step. It also provided more freedom and it’s when I first got my own domain name.
  • Google Cloud: it offered a free tier, making it cheaper than WordPress, and I wanted more customization. More on this migration can be found in ☁️ Google Cloud Hosting.

This digital garden is currently still hosted on Google Cloud.